Prepare for the Heat with Shade Like No Other

by | Feb 25, 2022 | News

Prepare for the Heat with Shade Like No Other

Although the air has been brisk in Texas, we all know that won’t last long. The summer heat is nearing and it is time to prepare for the thick humidity and all that comes with the transition out of winter. 

Summer is fun, exciting and can be full of exhilarating activities, but it also brings mosquitoes, flies and so many other obnoxious pests that nobody wants to see inside a cool, fresh home. 

This year, summer could look different; your home could conceal cool air more efficiently, saving you money on that growing air conditioning bill, your home could have natural light without the result of heat or humidity, your home could be free of all pests and your home could be strong enough to handle any aggressive weather situations coming our way! 

The solution is simple; Premier Technology Group’s partners at Progressive Screens offer a level of screen security you can’t find anyplace else. Install screens on your home that have solar embedded to reduce UV rays and keep cooling and heating in their prime state. Don’t go through the hassle of re-installment; with double-stitched zippers on all four sides and durability to the max, these screens will stick around longer than you can imagine. 

Not only are these screens protective enough to keep unwanted creatures out, but they are stylish and modern too! They are touch-of-a-button motorized screens that will match the style of any home, coming in countless colors and accommodations. 

Keep your home stylish, secure and cool this summer, and save your money doing it! Summer is looking fresher already!

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